Sugestões de leitura:
- Fontaine D e col. Anatomical location of effective deep brain stimulation electrodes in chronic cluster headache. Brain; 133; 1214–1223, 2010.
- Rozen TD. Cluster Headache As the Result of Secondhand Cigarette Smoke Exposure During Childhood. Headache ; 50:130-132, 2010.
- Halker R, Vargas B, Dodick DW. Cluster Headache: Diagnosis and Treatment. Semin Neurol;30:175–185,2010.
- Rainero I e col. Cluster Headache is Associated With the AlcoholDehydrogenase 4 (ADH4) Gene. Headache; 50:92-98, 2010.
- Majumdara A, Ahmedb MAS, Bentonc S. Cluster headache in children – Experience from a specialist headache clinic. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology; 13:524-529, 2009.
- Cohen AS; Burns B; Goadsby PJ. High-Flow Oxygen for Treatment of Cluster Headache: A Randomized Trial. JAMA; 302(22):2451-2457, 2009.
- Goadsby PJ., Cittadini E, Burns B, Cohen AS. Trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias: diagnostic and therapeutic developments. Current Opinion in Neurology, 21: 323–330, 2008.
- Fischera M, Marziniak M, Gralow I, Evers S. The incidence and prevalence of cluster headache: a meta-analysis of population-based studies. Cephalalgia; 614–618, 2008.
- Leone M, Proietti AC, Franzini A, Broggi G, Cortelli P, Montagna P, May A, Juergens T, Cordella R, Carella F, Bussone G, Torelli P, Beghi E, Manzoni GC. Lessons from 8 years’ experience of hypothalamic stimulation in cluster headache. Cephalalgia; 28: 789–797, 2008.
- Goadsby PJ, Bartsch T, Dodick D. Occipital Nerve Stimulation for Headache: Mechanisms and Efficacy. Headache; 48:313-318, 2008.
- Pascual J, L’ainez MJA, Dodick D, Hering-Hanit R. Antiepileptic Drugs for the Treatment of Chronic and Episodic Cluster Headache: A Review. Headache;47:81- 89, 2007.
- Schürks M, Kurth T. Jesus J, Jonjic M, Rosskopf D; Diener HC. Cluster Headache: Clinical Presentation, Lifestyle Features, and Medical Treatment. Headache; 46: 1246-1254, 2006.
- Nobre ME, Leal AJ, Filho PFM. Investigation into sleep disturbance of patients suffering from cluster headache. Cephalalgia, 25 (7):488-492, 2005.
- Ambrosini A, Vandenheede M, Rossi P, Aloj F, Sauli E, Pierelli F, Schoenen J. Suboccipital injection with a mixture of rapid- and long-acting steroids in cluster headache: A double-blind placebo-controlled study. Pain; 118:92–96, 2005.
- Bahra A, Goadsby PJ. Diagnostic delays and mis-management in cluster headache. Acta Neurol Scand, 109: 175–179, 2004.
- Nobre ME, Filho PMF, Dominini M. Coexistência de cefaléia em salvas e apneia do sono. Migrâneas e Cefaléias, 6(2): 46-52, 2003.
- Nobre ME, Filho PMF, Dominini M. Cluster associated with sleep apnoea. Cephalalgia, 23:276-279, 2003.
- Peres MFP, Stiles MA, Siow HC, Rozen TD, Young WB, Silberstein SD. Greater occipital nerve blockade for cluster headache. Cephalalgia; 22:520–2, 2002.
- “Consenso da Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaléia” – 2001